The White Station Youth Group (WSYG) exists to inspire students to become disciples of Christ who live holy lives and inspire other disciples in response to the grace, love and power they have received. We want to make sure our students are building intergenerational relationships that connect them to the entire church body. We want our students to be deeply immersed in the overall mission of the church, to become mature Christians, to lead people to Christ and to serve our diverse community. We believe that students are not only the church of today, but are empowered to be church leaders. And more than anything, we want our students to move from feeling like WSYG is a ministry “for” students to feeling like WSYG is a ministry “of” students. If you are looking for a ministry that is not about you, but about God’s fame and God’s glory, we hope you will join us for this unmatched adventure.
Who we are:
We are from many different schools. We are from three different states. We are from diverse economic, social and racial backgrounds. We are a group of seventh through twelfth graders who want to live out the truth of God and make his name famous in our city. We are from a rich heritage of believers who have provided an amazing legacy on which we want to depend, while still moving forward. We are becoming more than we thought we could through God’s spirit and a connection with each other. We are motivated to be his witnesses in our City, our Nation and our World. We are the White Station Youth Group. And…We are HIS.
What we do:
Sunday Mornings
We have class at 9:00 am in The Station. Our goal is to grow in our understanding of God's word and how to live it out.
Small Groups
Small Groups meet on Sunday nights at 5:30 and are divided by gender. This is a great way to grow closer to a smaller group of friends.
Wednesday Nights
Sanctuary is our weekly time of worship where the youth group all meets together at 6:30.
Sunday Night Activities
Twice a month we do something fun after small groups to build community and spend time with one another.
Who we are:
We are from many different schools. We are from three different states. We are from diverse economic, social and racial backgrounds. We are a group of seventh through twelfth graders who want to live out the truth of God and make his name famous in our city. We are from a rich heritage of believers who have provided an amazing legacy on which we want to depend, while still moving forward. We are becoming more than we thought we could through God’s spirit and a connection with each other. We are motivated to be his witnesses in our City, our Nation and our World. We are the White Station Youth Group. And…We are HIS.
What we do:
Sunday Mornings
We have class at 9:00 am in The Station. Our goal is to grow in our understanding of God's word and how to live it out.
Small Groups
Small Groups meet on Sunday nights at 5:30 and are divided by gender. This is a great way to grow closer to a smaller group of friends.
Wednesday Nights
Sanctuary is our weekly time of worship where the youth group all meets together at 6:30.
Sunday Night Activities
Twice a month we do something fun after small groups to build community and spend time with one another.